Kuroki Kasori
by Kasori Project
Kuroki Kasori is a virtual singer available on various platforms, including UTAU, Deep Vocal, Diff-SVC, RVC, and DiffSinger (soon to be available on additional synthesizers). She demonstrates remarkable vocal versatility, enabling her to perform across a wide range of musical genres while effectively conveying a myriad of emotions.
Her voice is characterized by its solidity, yet it possesses the ability to be gentle and emotive. Additionally, she offers a Spanish voicebank for the UTAU platform and an AI-powered voice that allows her to adapt to any language, reaching a global audience.
Kuroki Kasori provides a delightful experience for your projects and musical creations.
黒木カソリは、UTAU、Deep Vocal、Diff-SVC、RVC、DiffSinger(他のシンセサイザーにも近日対応予定)など、さまざまなプラットフォームで利用可能なバーチャルシンガーです。彼女は、幅広い音楽ジャンルを歌いこなし、さまざまな感情を効果的に表現する驚異的なボーカルの多才さを示しています。